在我们的远程学习模式中, 学生聚在Zoom上, a method that accommodates busy schedules while retaining the benefits of meeting together as a class.
请参考 这个链接来自Zoom regarding questions about system and bandwidth requirements, as well as supported web browsers.
到2023年,90%的毕业生表示他们会更善于分析, 有创意的, and effective thinking skills when considering issues and problems.
89% of graduates in 2023 say they communicate in a manner that is more purposeful, 上下文适当, 并传达了一个明确的信息.
92% of graduates in 2023 say they are better able to articulate the knowledge and skills needed for future personal and professional development.
2023 graduates will work in 内布拉斯加州, 爱荷华州, 科罗拉多州 and 堪萨斯
When asked, "what one thing significantly helped your ability to complete your Doane experience?学生们回应道:
澳门威尼斯人网址’s 工商管理专业 is a candidate for accreditation through ACBSP.
商学院和项目认证委员会 (ACBSP) is a global business education accrediting body and the first organization to offer accreditation to all levels of collegiate business educational degree programs from associate to doctoral. ACBSP ignites a standard of excellence with an accreditation process based on the Baldrige Education Criteria for Performance Excellence. 通过评估领导力的各个方面, 战略规划, 与利益相关者的关系, 学术课程的质量, 教师证书, 以及教育支持, ACBSP assesses whether or not business programs offer a rigorous educational experience and commitment to continuous quality improvement.